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Letter from Sarah,
Duchess of York

Dear all,

I hope this message finds you well, at peace, and surrounded by loved ones.  
I know that it has been a year of challenge for many. 

The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson
The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson

In my life, 

I was diagnosed with skin cancer and breast cancer. I'm a positive person, but two cancer diagnoses in the space of a few months is a lot for anyone 
to deal with. I had a mastectomy.  

I am not out of the woods

and have been told by my specialists not to use the phrase "cancer-free".  
I'll have to have checks for the rest of my life.

I'm not ashamed to say
that it's been tough.

But I’m finding my way. I hope you are also finding your way, with love and support.

The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson
The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson


we are overwhelmed by loneliness or sleeplessness.
We all face challenges in life.
We struggle with our thoughts, relationships, health, or careers.

I relate to all of these at times.

I know many of you will, too.

​And yet, I feel so lucky.

My charity work and writing career takes me across the UK and the entire world.

I try to use whatever platform I have to advocate for those who have less than they need. Supporting others brings me joy. As my grandmother told me,

"When you feel bad about yourself, go out and give to others."    

The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson
The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson

This year,

I’ve also decided to seek out tools that can help with healthfulness, wellness, and peacefulness. That’s why I’m partnering with

 the meditation, sleep

and wellness app.


In those times when I needed a reminder that

“Everything will be OK”

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Zoul's personalized voice has helped me to be quiet,
to gain peace, and to work on my own inner strength. I am not great at asking for help. I think it’s my Scottish genes.  

But Zoul is cool, and I think that

most of us can use some extra support.

When friends and family 
aren’t available, 

Zoul a meditation, sleep and wellness app, is available. 

Even better,
Zoul has agreed to make their app available in 17 languages, 
reaching communities where violence has created mental health needs.

Sarah’s Trust to support mental health and wellness initiatives across the UK and around the world.

Zoul will also donate a portion of your subscriptions to

The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson

No matter where you are

or what you are facing, know this: there is always support out there. 

  Let us hold faith in knowing
that we can overcome anything.

The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson

I’m excited for 2025.  

There will be challenges, and moments of struggle, for all of us.

And we will carry on, one foot forward, carrying each other and caring for each other.

I hope to see you on my travels,
and I will be sharing with you some of my own personal journey through Zoul. 

Here’s to wellness, caring for ourselves, and coming together as one!

Much love,


Sarah, Duchess of York

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